Find your bridge partner in 2025!

The place to meet your perfect bridge partner

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Było fajnie poznałem tu kogoś więc uciekam.Pozdrawiam Paniæ Dankę.


In Poland there are many more people interested in bridge

In Poland there are tens of thousands of members on Sportpartner. Also from your local area. Sign up and have a look around. Without any obligations. Remember, you only regret the things you didn't do.

Po prostu pobyć, czuć podobne flow, mieć ten sam vibe. Nie czuć się samotnym a może czasem móc położyć głowę na Twojej piersi. Nie interesuje mnie jaką masz pracę i ile zarabiasz, chcę móc z Tobą porozmawiać… Medytacja, duchowość, śmiech wspólny od czasem razem posłuchać muzyki podczas spaceru. I dzień staje się piękniejszy! Full profile
Natura daje mi odprężenie, odpoczynek. Chetnie przejdę się po lesie razem. Zapraszam do wspólnych wędrówek. Bardzo tez lubię kajaki, najlepiej po niedużych rzekach. Full profile
Szukasz kogoś kto również lubi aktywny tryb życia? Napisz koniecznie🙂 Full profile
Nie jestem doskonały, popełniam błędy jako człowiek i mam wady, ale zawsze jestem chętny do nauki i rozwoju. Nigdy nie będzie idealnego mężczyzny czy kobiety. Wiem, że nie ma prawdziwego piękna bez małej niedoskonałości Full profile
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Why Sportpartner

10 years

10 years

Sportpartner have helped people being more social and active for 10 years. To get to know people and make friends. To have a healthier and more fun life. Sign up and see members near you.



Sportpartner works so well because all profiles are screened manually. As such, the reliability of the members is very high. Our team of employees closely monitor the website daily.



Your privacy comes first with us. You don't have to fill in anything that isn't necessary. Your data isn't sold and the whole website is heavily secured with an SSL certificate.

A bridge partner through Sportpartner

On Sportpartner you can find a bridge partner in your area. In fact, not only for finding a bridge partner, but for all kinds of sports buddies. With tens of thousands of members in Poland chances are that you too will find a bridge partner. And because Sportpartner has been developed for this one specific goal, it has been working very well for over 10 years.

Basic and Premium membership

Sportpartner offers a completely free basic membership. This allows you to view all your matches, without any prior obligations. Does it not work for you? Then you can simply unsubscribe again. Only after you are very certain about the number of matches you have, you will be asked whether you want to upgrade or not. Found your match? Our Premium membership does not have a termination period! Unsubscribe anytime you want. Just try it, look around for free with the Basic membership.

Reviews for Sportpartner

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Ania · this year

Wspaniały pomysł

Wspaniały pomysł zbliżający ludzi o podobnych zainteresowaniach

Iza · this year



Kunegunda3 · this year


Ocena dobra

Together is more

“You'll mostly regret the things you haven't done.”